Investment Banking

Seize the moment with confidence. Our investment banking services deliver strategic insights and expert execution, ensuring your transactions are as successful as they are timely.

How We Can Help?

Industry and Company Profiles

Creating/maintaining profiles of public/private companies from diverse regions/sectors..

Industry/Company Comparables

Identifying relevant trading comparables and precedent M&A transactions for a specific industry or company.

Financial Modeling and Valuations

Creating simple to complex financial models for companies, projects, and businesses.

Business Plans

Creating detailed reports on new business opportunities, expected investments, return analysis, and growth expectations.

Sector and Market Analysis

In-depth research on sectors, market landscapes, growth expectations, drivers, competition, market share analysis & additional ad-hoc research

Briefing Packs

Creating short presentations that provide a summary of the transaction, business opportunities, and relevant deals

Pitch Books

Creating presentations that present the financial and operational aspects of a target company, as well as the strategic and financial benefits of the transaction.

CIM Preparation

Crafting a compelling investment case, featuring comprehensive transaction and business details, to prospective investors

Target Sourcing

Identifying and evaluating potential buyers or targets for a given investment banking mandate

Meet the new Extension to your Team

When you partner with Lean Research you do not have to evaluate resumes or participate in ANY interviews – we own this process 100%

Compelling Pitch Materials

Create persuasive pitch books, CIMs, and briefing packs that effectively communicate the financial and strategic benefits of your transactions, capturing investor interest and securing deals.

In-Depth Sector & Market Analysis

Stay ahead with extensive research on sectors, market dynamics, competitive landscapes, and growth drivers, ensuring you’re always strategically positioned.

Impactful Business Plans

Develop detailed business plans that analyze new opportunities, forecast returns, and outline growth strategies to guide your investment decisions.

Strategic Comparables & Valuations

Enhance your decision-making with expertly identified trading comparables, precedent M&A transactions, and robust financial models tailored to your needs.

Comprehensive Company & Industry Profiles

Rely on meticulously crafted profiles that cover public and private companies across various regions and sectors, keeping you informed and prepared.

Other Services

When you partner with Lean Research you do not have to evaluate resumes or participate in ANY interviews – we own this process 100%